Day 41: Premier Pottery Preston PPP Vase
Photo Caption: Day 41: Today’s piece is by Premier Pottery Preston or simply PPP. Starting production in 1930 the PPP line of wares is the predecessor to the Remued pottery line. Although both lines were produced by the same factory only 3 or 4 years apart they couldn’t be more different!
#AustralianPottery #AustralianArtPottery #PPP #PremierPottteryPreston #Remued #Pottery #Ceramics #instapottery #AustralianDesign #AustralianArt #australianceramics #MelbourneCeramics #VICPottery #ArtDeco
Posted: February 10th, 2016
at 9:11pm by Tim
Tagged with artdeco, australianart, australianartpottery, australianceramics, australiandesign, australianpottery, ceramics, instapottery, melbourneceramics, Pottery, PPP, premierpottterypreston, Remued, vicpottery
Categories: 365 Days of Australian Pottery,Australian Pottery
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Day 40: Ellis Ceramics Horse
Photo Caption: Day 40: Today’s piece is another piece by Ellis Ceramics out of Melbourne. Ellis must have made quite a few of these little horses but I’m not sure I have seen two the same. They were obviously cast from the same mould but the decoration and glaze combination seems to have been up to the individual artist. This is the only one I have but I imagine you could build a pretty special collection just concentrating on this one Ellis shape.
#AustralianPottery #AustralianArtPottery #Pottery #Ceramics #instapottery #AustralianDesign #AustralianArt #EllisCeramics #EllisPottery #VICPottery #australianceramics #MelbourneCeramics #MidCentury #RetroPottery #365DaysofAustralianPottery
Posted: February 9th, 2016
at 8:42pm by Tim
Tagged with 365daysofaustralianpottery, australianart, australianartpottery, australianceramics, australiandesign, australianpottery, ceramics, ellisceramics, ellispottery, instapottery, melbourneceramics, midcentury, Pottery, retropottery, vicpottery
Categories: 365 Days of Australian Pottery,Australian Pottery
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Day 39: Mystery Milk Jug
Photo Caption: Day 39: Today’s piece is the rather large milk jug to go with my mystery teapot from yesterday. Maybe we will call it a water jug? It’s way lighter than you’d expect but definitely old. Any ideas people?
#AustralianDesign #AustralianArt #AustralianPottery #instapottery #Ceramics #Pottery #AustralianArtPottery #australianceramics #MysteryPiece #365DaysofAustralianPottery
Posted: February 8th, 2016
at 9:14pm by Tim
Tagged with 365daysofaustralianpottery, australianart, australianartpottery, australianceramics, australiandesign, australianpottery, ceramics, instapottery, mysterypiece, Pottery
Categories: 365 Days of Australian Pottery,Australian Pottery
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Day 35: Port Arthur Vase
Photo Caption: Day 35: Today’s piece is a bit of a mystery. Inscribed “See Port Arthur” around the neck this vase is unmarked but undoubtedly Tasmanian in origin. The shape is not one I have seen before and the glaze is odd too. Part John Campbell part McHugh and by the looks of it too early to be Van Diemen. Circa 1930s.
#AustralianPottery #AustralianArtPottery #Pottery #Ceramics #instapottery #AustralianDesign #AustralianArt #TasmanianPottery #TasmanianCeramics #TasmanianArt #PortArthur #australianceramics #JohnCampbellPottery #McHughPottery #VanDiemenPottery #365DaysofAustralianPottery
Posted: February 4th, 2016
at 8:55pm by Tim
Tagged with 365daysofaustralianpottery, australianart, australianartpottery, australianceramics, australiandesign, australianpottery, ceramics, instapottery, johncampbellpottery, mchughpottery, portarthur, Pottery, tasmanianart, tasmanianceramics, tasmanianpottery, vandiemenpottery
Categories: 365 Days of Australian Pottery,Australian Pottery
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Day 34: Amelia Burrows Cup and Saucer
Photo Caption: Day 34: Today’s piece is another early hand painted china piece by Launceston based artist Amelia Burrows circa 1900. I thought i would post another Burrows Studio piece after seeing @robbieburrowsart fantastic photo of her Great Grandmother Amelia hard at work in her studio. Thanks also to @oxalis_curator for the heads up.
#AustralianPottery #AustralianArtPottery #Pottery #Ceramics #instapottery #AustralianDesign #AustralianArt #TasmanianPottery #TasmanianCeramics #TasmanianArt #AmeliaBurrows #BurrowsStudioLaunceston #BurrowsStudio #Launceston #365DaysofAustralianPottery
Posted: February 3rd, 2016
at 7:39pm by Tim
Tagged with 365daysofaustralianpottery, ameliaburrows, australianart, australianartpottery, australiandesign, australianpottery, burrowsstudio, burrowsstudiolaunceston, ceramics, instapottery, launceston, Pottery, tasmanianart, tasmanianceramics, tasmanianpottery
Categories: 365 Days of Australian Pottery,Australian Pottery
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Day 33: Agateware Workmans Shoes
Photo Caption: Day 33: Today’s piece is a pair of shoes (well 2 right shoes). Bought locally here in Tassie and assumed to be Australian made workmans pieces from around 1900. Known as agateware which is made using either 2 or more different coloured clays or white clay tinted different colours which are then mixed together and polished after firing to reveal the marbled effect.
There is one problem however. After researching these shoes for this post i think there might be a good chance they may be made by Belfield pottery out of Scotland circa 1880. I have no real evidence for this except for a picture i spotted of a Belfield pottery Chicken money box in almost exactly the same agateware clay with honey glaze on top.
Scottish pottery isn’t really my thing so can anyone out there help a fella out?? #AustralianDesign #AustralianArt #AustralianPottery #australianceramics #Ceramics #Pottery #instapottery #agateware #ScottishPottery #BelfieldPottery #365DaysofAustralianPottery #Shoes
Posted: February 2nd, 2016
at 9:11pm by Tim
Tagged with 365daysofaustralianpottery, agateware, australianart, australianceramics, australiandesign, australianpottery, belfieldpottery, ceramics, instapottery, Pottery, scottishpottery, shoes
Categories: 365 Days of Australian Pottery,Australian Pottery
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Day 26: Tamborine Dish
Photo Caption: Day 26: Today’s piece is a bit of a mystery to me and despite going through all my books and searching the internet I can’t say i have found anything concrete. The 1st ed of Geoff Fords pottery marks interprets the markings as “Tamborune” and suggests a possible connetions to former LJ Harvey student Frances Carnegie who set up her own pottery at Mt Tamborine in Queensland in the 1960s. This piece is signed Tamborine with the capital Q for Queensland associates with markings on many Harvey school pieces but it is also signed Morris or Mauris below the main markings. The clay is red and full of inclusions and the design is one of pure fantasy, part Australian Aboriginal, part Egyptian goddess. Anyways I’m stummped but i love this piece. Maybe @TimothyRobertsArtHistorian might have some clues?
#AustralianDesign #AustralianArt #AustralianPottery #AustralianArtPottery #QLDPottery #QLDArt #LJHarvey #HarveySchoolPottery #australianceramics #FrancesCarnegie #365DaysofAustralianPottery #instapottery #Pottery #Ceramics
Posted: January 26th, 2016
at 7:00pm by Tim
Tagged with 365daysofaustralianpottery, australianart, australianartpottery, australianceramics, australiandesign, australianpottery, ceramics, francescarnegie, harveyschoolpottery, instapottery, ljharvey, Pottery, qldart, qldpottery
Categories: 365 Days of Australian Pottery,Australian Pottery
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Day 24: Cynthia Mitchell Charger
Photo Caption: Day 24: Today’s piece is by Tasmanian potter Cynthia Mitchell. Not only is this by my favourite post WWII Tasmanian potter but it is just about my favourite piece by her too. It was a gift from a good friend and although it’s almost in 2 pieces I love it. I became a little obsessed with her work and reckon my collection is the largest collection of her pottery and might well be the largest collection of a single 20th century studio potter in private hands in Australia. I must own more than 200 pieces with few if any repeats so be prepared to see a few more pieces throughout the year.
#AustralianPottery #AustralianArtPottery #AustralianStudioPottery #australianceramics #TasmanianPottery #TasmanianCeramics #CynthiaMitchell #CynthiaMitchellPottery #Pottery #Ceramics #instapottery #AustralianDesign #AustralianArt #365DaysofAustralianPottery
Posted: January 24th, 2016
at 8:18pm by Tim
Tagged with 365daysofaustralianpottery, australianart, australianartpottery, australianceramics, australiandesign, australianpottery, australianstudiopottery, ceramics, cynthiamitchell, cynthiamitchellpottery, instapottery, Pottery, tasmanianceramics, tasmanianpottery
Categories: 365 Days of Australian Pottery,Australian Pottery
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Day 16: Trent Art Ware Vase
Photo Caption: Day 16: Today’s piece is by Bakewells of Erskinville NSW under their Trent Art Ware label which was nothing more than a rebranding of the Newtone line of wares after WWII. This exact shape in this exact colouring would have been produced in the Newtone range some 10 years earlier. Circa mid to late 1940’s.
#AustralianPottery #NSWPottery #Pottery #Ceramics #instapottery #AustralianDesign #AustralianArt #AustralianArtPottery #sydneyceramics #NSWCeramics #Newtone #NewtonePottery #TrentArtWare #BakewellBros #Bakewells #365DaysofAustralianPottery
Posted: January 16th, 2016
at 8:17pm by Tim
Tagged with 365daysofaustralianpottery, australianart, australianartpottery, australiandesign, australianpottery, bakewellbros, bakewells, ceramics, instapottery, Newtone, newtonepottery, nswceramics, nswpottery, Pottery, sydneyceramics, trentartware
Categories: Uncategorized
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Day 9: Disabled Soldiers Pottery
Photo Caption: Day 9: Another piece by the Disabled Soldiers Pottery, Redfern, NSW with a deep cobalt blue glaze and unusual embossed design around the rim. Circa 1920.
#AustralianPottery #AustralianArtPottery #NSWPottery #Pottery #Ceramics #DisabledSoldiersPottery #DisabledSoldiers #WWI #WorldWarOne #WorldWarI #AustralianDesign #AustralianArt #RedCross #redcrossaustralia #365DaysofAustralianPottery
Posted: January 9th, 2016
at 6:28pm by Tim
Tagged with 365daysofaustralianpottery, australianart, australianartpottery, australiandesign, australianpottery, ceramics, disabledsoldiers, disabledsoldierspottery, nswpottery, Pottery, redcross, redcrossaustralia, worldwari, worldwarone, wwi
Categories: 365 Days of Australian Pottery,Australian Pottery
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