Day 41: Premier Pottery Preston PPP Vase
Photo Caption: Day 41: Today’s piece is by Premier Pottery Preston or simply PPP. Starting production in 1930 the PPP line of wares is the predecessor to the Remued pottery line. Although both lines were produced by the same factory only 3 or 4 years apart they couldn’t be more different!
#AustralianPottery #AustralianArtPottery #PPP #PremierPottteryPreston #Remued #Pottery #Ceramics #instapottery #AustralianDesign #AustralianArt #australianceramics #MelbourneCeramics #VICPottery #ArtDeco
Posted: February 10th, 2016
at 9:11pm by Tim
Tagged with artdeco, australianart, australianartpottery, australianceramics, australiandesign, australianpottery, ceramics, instapottery, melbourneceramics, Pottery, PPP, premierpottterypreston, Remued, vicpottery
Categories: 365 Days of Australian Pottery,Australian Pottery
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